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【節氣霧語—張富峻個展】Solar Terms in a Whispering Mist – CHANG Fu-Chun Solo Exhibition

節氣霧語 — 張富峻個展
Solar Terms in a Whispering Mist – CHANG Fu-Chun Solo Exhibition

|展期 Duration|
2022/6/15 (Wed) - 7/30 (Sat)

|地點 Venue|

|簡介 Introduction|
大河美術將舉辦藝術家張富峻之最新個展 ——「節氣霧語 Solar Terms in a Whispering Mist」,透過作品中強烈的心靈筆線對應著遠方,感受遙遠氤醖亦或被霧籠罩著的迷濛山林。本次展覽將劃分為五大展區:春、夏、秋、冬,並在當中穿插藝術家創作過程專區,亦於第五展區佈有茶席意象,期望在這個後疫情時代,與人們心靈對歌,療癒身心。





RIVER ART GALLERY is going to present a new solo exhibition of CHANG Fu-Chun, “Solar Terms in a Whispering Mist”, which communicates long distances through the intense spiritual brush lines within the work with a sense of remote emanations, or misty mountains and forests shrouded in fog. The exhibition is divided into five exhibition areas: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter, interspersed with areas devoted to the artist’s creative process, as well as a fifth exhibition area spread with the image of a tea banquet, hoping to sing with people’s spirits and heal body and mind in this post-epidemic period.

“Solar Terms in a Whispering Mist” means solar terms whisper in the mist, or solar terms are whispered in the mist. People in the mist hear their own mutterings, and the soft-whispering mist shines forth the spirit of the solar terms. “Whispering Mist” is a special context that bundles together the experience of life.

2022’s “Solar Terms in a Whispering Mist” has its earliest origins in 1992’s “Flower Viewing” series of ink creations. In 2013, the artist tried adding the mediums of longyan charcoal and colloid onto a faraway mountain scene to give it rich texture, then used colloid in layer after layer of differential staining, rendering, and layer dyeing, causing “Flower Viewing・Solar Terms” to not only have an ink base, but also producing unique tonal layers of individual solar terms. Finally, lines of a thick writing brush are given, conveying the expressiveness of the soul. Viewers can take a peek at the artist’s 30-year creative chat in the fourth exhibition area.

“Flower Viewing” is an investigation of space; “Solar Terms” is an expression of time; “Whispering Mist” is the muttering of mood. Mist confounds the scene, causing people to realize distance, the distance in turn making the perception of peripheral objects an experience and conception of blurry changes, blurring the mind, causing awareness of chasing phenomena outside that reverses itself to produce a meditative, aesthetic state. In modern urban life, it is impossible to clearly delimit the meticulous experience brought on by the 24 solar terms. Separated from the natural intimacy of day and night, rain and shine, all that remain are separated, isolated states.  CHANG Fu-Chun hopes that through the 24 solar terms series’ creation, he can cause the viewer to slowly take things in with unhurried and attentive, soft and tender appreciation. At the same time, this exhibition also creates a misty, smoky ambience through the installation of cloth curtains. It is hoped that this sort of light distance will cause people to engage in self-reflection in the mist, more capable of confronting their own actions in a self-composed manner.

As an artist born in Taiwan, CHANG Fu-Chun attempts to reflect the confusion of modern spirituality through the imagery of dense fog. At this time, the shock and impact of sudden changes in the environment, the fear of natural and man-made calamities and constant epidemics, and even the sense of confusion over the future of the planet and the country, all cause the fog to appear denser and heavier in the world interwoven by numerous minds. The artist tries to subsume this unique spiritual state in “Solar Terms in a Whispering Mist”, hoping to adjust the frequency of self-reflection, to bless and to heal the pain of life on Earth as well as in the land of Taiwan.

展覽現場 Installation View

精選展出作品 Selected Artworks

張富峻 CHANG Fu-Chun|觀花2021-立春  Flower Viewing 2021 – Beginning of Spring|2021|複合媒材、紙 Mixed Media on Paper|78.5 x 54.5 cm

張富峻 CHANG Fu-Chun|觀花2021 - 立春 Flower Viewing 2021 – Beginning of Spring|2021|複合媒材、紙 Mixed Media on Paper|78.5 x 54.5 cm

張富峻 CHANG Fu-Chun|觀花2021 - 芒種 Flower Viewing 2021 – Grain in Ear|2021|複合媒材、紙 Mixed Media on Paper|78.5 x 54.5 cm

張富峻 CHANG Fu-Chun|觀花2020 - 霜降  Flower Viewing 2020 – First Frost|2020|複合媒材、紙 Mixed Media on Paper|78.5 x 54.5 cm

張富峻 CHANG Fu-Chun|觀花2020 - 霜降 Flower Viewing 2020 – First Frost|2020|複合媒材、紙 Mixed Media on Paper|78.5 x 54.5 cm

張富峻 CHANG Fu-Chun|觀花2020 - 立冬  Flower Viewing 2020 –  Beginning of Winter|2020|複合媒材、紙 Mixed Media on Paper|78.5 x 54.5 cm

張富峻 CHANG Fu-Chun|觀花2020 - 立冬 Flower Viewing 2020 – Beginning of Winter|2020|複合媒材、紙 Mixed Media on Paper|78.5 x 54.5 cm